Over 400 people staged a gay kiss-in in front of the Russian consulate in Antwerp to protest that nation's anti-gay laws, according to LGBTQ Nation. The event entitled "To Russia With Love" was timed to coincide with the end of the World Out Games which were taking place in Antwerp. No doubt the organizers also intended to draw a parallel between those games and the upcoming Sochi Olympics that have drawn so much attention and scrutiny. Protesters called on the IOC to pull the Olympics from Russia given the nation's intolerance for gays and lesbians. The crowd outside the consulate was a diverse group including athletes from the Out Games, prominent Belgian officials who came to show support and at least one notable guest, Yury Gavirkov, Chair of St. Petersburg Pride, who was recently arrested in Russia for his role in attempting to orchestrate that city's pride festival.
Watch the kiss-in in action AFTER THE JUMP…