This morning, the American Foundation for Equal Rights and its lead attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies announced they would be joining a case challenging Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage which could go all the way to the Supreme Court.
Writes AFER of the plaintiffs:
Timothy Bostic and Tony London are plaintiffs in Bostic v. Raimey, a federal court challenge in Virginia for marriage equality. They have been a couple for nearly 25 years and have lived in Virginia since 1991. Tim is an assistant professor of English at Old Dominion University (ODU). Prior to his work at ODU, he taught high school English for six years in Norfolk. Tony served in the United States Navy and has been a real estate agent in Virginia for 16 years.
On July 1, 2013, Bostic and London applied for a marriage license from the Norfolk Circuit Court Clerk. Their request was denied because they are a same-sex couple.
Carol Schall and Mary Townley have lived in Virginia since 1982, and have been a couple for nearly 30 years. Parents to a teenager, the couple married in California, and now seek to have their marriage recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Watch interviews with the two couples and hear AFER's Matt Baume talk about the announcement, AFTER THE JUMP…

AFER's Matt Baume talks about the announcement: