New Jersey state senator and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Barbara Buono has come out swinging against incumbent governor Chris Christie. In an interview with Sirius XM Radio host and Huffington Post Gay Voices editor-at-large Michelangelo Signorile, Buono denounced Christies obstruction of progressive legislation in the state.
From the Huffington Post:
“I think that when people become informed and realize there's one person standing between them and marriage equality — and that's Chris Christie –and one person standing between signing common sense gun legislation just to cater to the NRA, which figures big in the Republican presidential primary…[the race] will continue to tighten, we're sure," [Buono said].
“When the gay conversion bill came up in the house committee, and there was some pretty graphic testimony on it, this governor was asked about it,” she said. “And unscripted, he said, incredulously, he said didn't know enough about it, and that he was of two minds about it. He said on the one hand parents should have the right to raise their children the way they wanted to. And I remember, I was just outraged, because I didn't have to think about it. All you needed, for me, was to hear the words ‘gay' and ‘conversion' in one term. My 23-year-old is gay and she was just appalled and she was also appalled that most of the people she knew in California aren't aware of how far to the right this governor is. He's rabidly ant-choice. He doesn't believe women should have equal pay for equal work.”
Buono faces off against Christie in the November election, and the latest polls show that Buono is closing in on Christie's lead.
From the New Jersey Star-Ledger:
It's still a comfortable lead for Christie, who gets 52 percent to Buono's 34 percent in the Kean University poll released this afternoon. But it's 10 points smaller than the lead the one he held in a Kean University poll in June.
The article notes, though, that other polls are showing her closer to 32 percent behind Christie.
Listen to Buono's interview on SiriusXM Progress AFTER THE JUMP…