Mission America wingnut Linda Harvey, in a column pushing her new book Maybe He's Not Gay, makes the absurd claim that all gays are closeted heterosexuals in a new quacky WorldNetDaily column.:
Nothing like a “gay gene” has been found. Surely, with the Western elites' affection for “gay rights,” a Nobel Prize would be the reward if such a discovery were on record. If Barack Obama can get one for doing nothing, this mythical researcher would be a shoe-in.
But it hasn't happened and it won't, because there's a simple fact of human life: We are created to mate with someone of the opposite sex. Any other sexual practice is artificial and often harmful, and the confused folks with those desires need a reality check. It's totally possible to leave it all in the past, as the world's many ex-homosexuals have done.
But try to tell that to the Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, and the various self-important “gay” bloggers. With claws and teeth exposed, the monster purveyors of “tolerance” try to come off as noble moralists, but confront them with the truth and the artifice falls. Their reactions are violent for a simple reason: fear.
They wonder if they might actually be heterosexuals after all.
Harvey believes that LGBT opposition to Russia's ban on gay propaganda is because it will stop gays from exerting their mind-bending influence on children:
The infuriated “gays” are all closet heterosexuals, terrified someone will find out and blow the lid off this movement.
Remember that decades-old standby claim of the “gay lobby,” that those who concentrate on exposing and fighting the homosexual agenda must harbor repressed “gay” desires?
Well, no more so than plumbers and auto repairmen might be called “obsessed” with pipes and transmissions. It's because something is broken and needs to be fixed. And the brokenness is getting in the way of a functioning pipe, car – or culture.
She finally concludes:
The reality is, no one is a homosexual and everyone is a heterosexual. And those who have developed, fantasized and nurtured those “gay” feelings really don't like reality. It makes them want to attack. Or it makes them start vicious organizations like GLAAD, to make the lies seem real and respectable.