Award-winning country music singer Kacey Musgraves gives a pro-gay nod in her song "Follow Your Arrow" with the lyrics,
So make lots of noise/Kiss lots of boys
Or kiss lots of girls/If that's what you're into
And such incendiary words would have driven men to commit murder, according to wingnut pastor Kevin Swanson. Said Swanson:
Let me say this, if she had sang [sic] that thing in a country bar in the 1920s or 1880s in Denver, Colorado, somebody would've called for a rope, ‘Get a rope!' You know what would have happened, she would not have made it out of town in the 1880s, 1920s, 1940s or 1960s.
If Swanson is right, then it's a testament to how far we – and evidently Denver, Colorado in particular – have come as a society that a female entertainer can receive praise and accolades for voicing her opinions through her songs without expecting to be brutally murdered for it by barbarians. Only the vilest of cretins would long for such bygone days to return.
You can listen to Swanson bemoan the "dismantling of the Christian faith in the heartland" below.