A disturbing piece of news out of Lincoln, Nebraska where administrators at the Zeman Elementary School apparently thought it would be useful to send the above flyer home with students to help them deal with bullying.
Among the flyer's gems of wisdom:
Treat the person who is being mean as if they are trying to help you. No matter how insulting or mean they may sound, be grateful and think they really care about you.
Do not verbally defend yourself. When one person attacks and the other person is the defender, the attacker is in the stronger position, so the defender is automatically the loser.
Do not tell on bullies. The number one reason bullies hate their victims is because the victims tell on them. Telling makes the bully want to retaliate. Tell an adult only when real injury or crime (theft of something valuable) has occurred.
Naturally, the s**t hit the fan when this flyer found its way to the internet. The school's principal, Donna Williams, has issued a letter to parents and students now claiming it was all just a “miscommunication,” and that the district really does take bullying seriously.
Sounds like a violation of Rule #4 if you ask me…
[via Aksarbent]