Anti-gay activist Robert George, the Chairman of the 'United States Commission on International Religious Freedom' and the co-founder of the 'National Organization for Marriage' (NOM) is calling for a boycott of Mozilla in reaction to several employees calling on CEO Brendan Eich to step down for his donation to Proposition 8.
Wrote George in a post on Facebook:
The employees of Mozilla evidently think that people like me, and perhaps you, are not morally fit to be employees of their company. They are attempting to force out their CEO because he made a financial contribution in support of the ballot initiative to uphold marriage in California as the union of husband and wife. The CEO isn't out yet, but he has already caved to the pressure, apologizing for "causing pain" by supporting marriage. (See the story linked to below.) That won't be enough. His "sin" is unforgivable under the new morality. He'll soon be gone.
So I have just deleted Mozilla Firefox from my computer. If I'm not morally fit to be their employee, I'm not morally fit to use their products. If you are a faithful Catholic, Evangelical, Eastern Orthodox Christian, Mormon, Orthodox Jew, Muslim, or member of any other tradition that believes that marriage is fundamentally the institution that unites a man and woman as husband and wife to be father and mother to any children born of their union, providing those children with the inestimable blessing of being brought up in the committed bond of the man and woman whose union brought them into being, or even if you believe in marriage thus understood quite apart from membership in any community of faith, I would ask you to do the same. Why contribute to the prosperity of those who would exclude you? Cancel Firefox or any other Mozilla product. Sure, its competitors are probably "just as bad," but we have an opportunity here to send a message to all of them.
I have no problems with employers having morals clauses in people's contracts. But if someone believes in adultery, and a Christian or Jewish or Muslim school or other institution won't employ them because they commit adultery, I wouldn't expect them to contribute to the collection plate or pay a subscription at the church, synagogue, or mosque. So why should we buy and use Mozilla products?
If you agree with me, I would also ask you to copy this message and forward it to friends who share our pro-marriage views. Let everyone in your church or house of worship know what Mozilla thinks of us—and what we think of them.
Yesterday, the dating service OK Cupid blocked users of Mozilla's Firefox browser in protest of Eich's anti-gay views. As David Badash points out, now both gay and anti-gay activists are demanding a boycott of Firefox.
Eich's donation was revealed by a pair of gay married developers who announced they were planning to boycott Mozilla's platform in protest.