Steve Wiles, the anti-gay GOP candidate for the state senate in North Carolina who is opposed to same-sex marriage and is a former drag queen who went by the name Mona Sinclair, received 27.49 percent of the vote in yesterday's primary election in his very conservative District 31, but failed to win.
Wrote Wiles on Facebook on Sunday:
I'm impressed by the way this story was used to present me to the conservative right as a gay advocate while at the same time presenting me as anti-gay to the gay community. THAT…is talent! I am a Christian…I try to live a life that reflects my beliefs…I rarely, if ever, hit that mark! Meanwhile, I've maintained life-long friendships with a few people from the "club" days. One person springs to mind, although I will not call names, who is a former Miss Gay America, NC USofA and has performed successfully all of his adult life – he is one of the most loving men I've EVER known…Loving and accepting of everyone around him. He would do ANYTHING for his friends….I respect that in a person. He knows (and always has known) of my conservative stand on issues like gay marriage; he accepts that although he doesn't agree with me.
To some, I'll be known as a hard worker or a loving son…to some, I'll be known as someone who has always stood up for what I thought was right at the time – even if it was wrong! To some, I'll be known as a person who will ALWAYS admit my short-comings and my faults. To some, I'll be thought of as anti-gay…and to a select few, I'll just be a "fag." Know that no matter which group YOU fall into – I have no hard feelings toward you and respect, not only your opinion, but your right to have that opinion.