It looks like Senator Rick "man-on-dog" Santorum is finally breaking his recent silence on gay marriage issues. Instead of borking up an interview on Fox News, Frothy Mix is instead having the National Organization for Marriage's Brian Brown post an announcement to NOM's blog lauding his participation in NOM's upcoming "March for Marriage" on June 19th in D.C. From Brown's open letter:
I'm thrilled to announce that my good friend and stalwart marriage, family, and life champion, presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum will be speaking at this year's March for Marriage on June 19th.
Senator Santorum is a huge addition to our already incredible speaker list that includes Governor Mike Huckabee, Archbishop Salvatore Cordielone [sic], New York State Senator Rev. Rubin Diaz [OMGSIC], and the Heritage Foundation's Jennifer Marshall and Ryan T. Anderson, among many others.
Santorum, Huckabee, Cordileone, Diaz, Marshall, Anderson..this should be quite the clown car on display, and no doubt unintentional hilarity will ensue.