In a piece over at the loony conservative rag WorldNetDaily, columnist Carl Jackson defended Tony Dungy's remarks that Michael Sam would be a distraction for an NFL team, saying that Dungy “had the courage to say what everyone else thought about the rookie pick.”
“Make no mistake about it: Tony Dungy is being crucified by some of his colleagues in sports media not because they disagree with him, but like Tim Tebow, because of whom and what he represents – Christ, common sense, decency and objective truth. For immoral behavior to be accepted in any culture, moral behavior as well as the source of that moral behavior (Jesus Christ) must be demonized.
He continued:
Do you realize Tony Dungy has been the only NFL analyst truly “tolerant” of Michael Sam's lifestyle, despite his Christian worldview? He's the only national analyst that has publicly treated Michael Sam “fairly and equally.” Why? He's judged Michael Sam based on his capabilities and not his sexuality. Isn't this what the LGBT community claims they want – fairness and equality?
Jackson also accused the political left and their “triune gods” (minorities, women and gays) of “emasculating” the NFL as evidenced by the league's use of pink apparel for breast cancer awareness, the exhortation of an openly gay male in “an otherwise super masculine sport” and now the “demonization of a coach that epitomizes what it means to be a real man.”
To find out more on what it means to be a "real man" in Jackson's bizarre, backward world, read his column here.
[via Right Wing Watch]