David Koch, one-half of the billionaire Koch Borthers who have pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into conservative causes and candidates over the years, sat down with Barbara Walters for her "10 Most Fascinating People of 2014" special and discussed his political philosophy – being a "conservative on economic matters" but a "social liberal."
When Walters brought up the fact that although Koch is pro-choice and backs gay marriage, many of the candidates he supports are not, Koch brushes it off saying "that's their problem" and that economic concerns are more important to him.
You're right Koch, that is "their problem". But since those d-bags are in charge of making laws, it ends up being our problem too…
Watch a segment of the interview, AFTER THE JUMP…
I'm also including this screenshot of Babs since it's an accurate depiction of the shade my face was throwing while watching Koch talk too.