Anti-gay activist and likely Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson spoke with Iowa talk radio host Steve Deace last night and suggested that Congress should oust judges who rule in favor of same-sex marriage, Right Wing Watch reports. Carson's comments come on the heels of the Supreme Court's recent decision to consider the question of same-sex marriage and President Obama's declaring same-sex marriage as a civil right in last night's State of the Union. Said Carson:
What the president and what the Supreme Court need to reiterate is that the states have a mechanism whereby they can determine the will of the people, it's called ballot referendum. It has been done multiple times already, 32 states have indicated that marriage is between a man and a woman, and a few judges have come and overturned that. That, as far as I'm concerned, is unconstitutional, and Congress actually has oversight of all what they call the inferior courts, everything below the Supreme Court, and that's where those overturns have come. And when judges do not carry out their duties in an appropriate way, our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them.
And what does Carson think should be done if the Supreme Court finds bans on same-sex marriage to be unconstitutional? Something along the lines of, 'Never give up, never surrender':
“We certainly cannot give up if, in fact, that turns out to be the case because we do still have the Congressional mechanism,” Carson said. “And the key here in our country, values and principles cannot be drummed out of us. They're going to try and the only way we maintain a country with values and principles is we have to be brave enough to stand up for what we believe.”
Listen to Carson's latest hateful rhetoric, AFTER THE JUMP…