Brian Klawiter, the owner of the Grandville, Michigan auto shop who declared this week he “would not hesitate to refuse service to an openly gay person or persons” but that gun owners would receive a discount at his shop, has had his shop wall tagged with graffiti, MLive reports:
Grandville Police Chief Dan Steere on Monday said he had no intention of stationing a police officer at the place, but said police would keep an eye on the area with additional patrols.
The chief could not immediately be reached regarding the recent graffiti spray-painted on the building.
Klawiter says he has received death threats over his statements but Steere said he did not want to officially report them.
This morning Dieseltec (Klawiter's auto shop) posted several photos of the graffiti (see embedded below), which appears in several places on his property. Dieseltec also posted a photo of a window it says was broken by a rock that had a fingerprint on it.
Well, folks, as we predicted, it didn't take long for the ugly face of the homosexual movement to present itself. What started out with “mere” death threats against myself and my family and homosexuals spamming my Facebook page with gay porn shots, has escalated to physical violence. See the pics below. We called police to file a report this morning, and City of Grandville Officer John Davis responded.
The officer arrived, looked around, took a few notes, chuckled, and said “turn it in to the insurance company.” He gave us a Police Report number 15-2779, but did not take the rock which has a fingerprint on it.
The homosexual agenda is evil, and is prepared to destroy anyone who gets in its way, or who calls homosexuality a sin. Today it's us; tomorrow, it could be you.
It's unclear who created the graffiti, which is clearly an inappropriate way to deal with situations like these. Until that is known, it's also possible to speculate the property might have been tagged by someone on Klawiter's side of the issue.
If you can't see the Facebook embeds below, Dieseltec's posts are here and here.
Response to posts below along with the pics: Well, folks, as we predicted, it didn't take long for the ugly face of…
Posted by Dieseltec on Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Posted by Dieseltec on Tuesday, April 21, 2015