A drama based on the true story of Joe Bell, the Oregon father who began a trek across the country to educate young people about the effects of bullying and homophobia after his 15-year-old son Jadin hanged himself in early 2013, is currently being penned by Brokeback Mountain screenwriters Diana Ossana and Larry McMurtry, Deadline reports
Jadin, a 15-year-old openly gay sophomore in Oregon, took his own life after being both bullied at high school and struggling for acceptance from the people closest to him. In the wake of Jadin's suicide, Joe is plunged into a sea of remorse and regret and sets out on a walk across America, hoping to promote awareness about the consequences of prejudice to anyone he encounters along the way.
A24 is producing with Fukunaga's Parliament of Owls production company, Daniela Taplin Lundberg and Riva Marker of Red Crown Productions, and Eva Maria Daniels of VisionChaos Productions. Red Crown's Daniel Crown will executive produce.
Joe was tragically struck and killed by a semi truck while on his nation-wide walk in October of 2013.
Ossana and McMurtry have teamed with True Detective producer Cary Fukunaga for the currently untitled project.