Rachel Maddow sat down with GOP presidential longshot Rick Santorum on Wednesday to discuss his (not so good) 2016 chances and his favorite social issue: homosexuality.
Beginning with a somewhat contentious debate over the role of the Supreme Court in the U.S. government in light of the recent marriage ruling, Maddow went on to ask the former Pennsylvania senator whether he thought being gay was a choice.
Said Santorum:
“You know I've sort of never answered that question because I don't really know the answer to that question. I suspect there's all sorts of reasons that people end up the way they are. And I'll sort of leave it at that.”
When pressed, Santorum said he's met ‘ex-gays' in the past. Maddow then proceeded to question Santorum about his infamous “man on dog” remarks on homosexuality back in 2003 and managed to get a surprising admission from the career homophobe.
“It was a flippant comment that should not have come out of my mouth but the substance of what I said, which is what I've referred to, I stand by that. I wish I had not said it in the flippant term that I did and I know people were offended and wish I hadn't said it.”
In other words, Santorum totally still thinks your gay marriage will lead to people f–king their pets. But he's sorry he was flippant about the whole thing….Hugs?