Former Arkansas Governor and current Republican presidential long-shot Mike Huckabee compared state-level decriminalization of marijuana to Kim Davis' defiance of the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage.
Speaking with Iowa news station KCCI Channel 8, Huckabee was more than happy to use the subject as a segue to discuss his favorite long-suffering anti-gay martyr, Kim Davis.
The interview began with Huckabee being asked if he was willing to consider decriminalization of marijuana. Said Huckabee,
“Well, I think we need to recognize that marijuana has never made anybody a better citizen,” the former pastor replied. “Does it make you a better worker? Does it make you a better mom or dad? A better citizen? Does it make you a more attentive driver? If there's a benefit to it, and there may be medically, if your doctor prescribes certain uses of it, then I'm open to that…I've been to Amsterdam a few times, and I don't want us to look like Amsterdam.”
One of Channel 8's interviewers then brought up the issue of federal law–states that have decriminalized marijuana have done so in violation of federal law. And with that, Huckabee saw his chance to bring up Saint Kim:
“Let me ask you this: how come it's that liberals are okay with not keeping the federal law when it comes to the marijuana laws and it's okay for the states to ignore it, but if it comes to a county clerk in Kentucky who doesn't believe that she can abide by a federal court ruling — not even a law — then she goes to jail? Do you see where conservatives sometimes their heads explode because they say, ‘Boy, there's one set of rules for people on the left and a total different set of rules for people on the right?'”
Watch below:
[h/t RawStory]