Jimmy Kimmel exposed the Trump family for hawking merchandise sold in other countries and goods that weren't labeled with country of origin, and possibly illegal.
Despite his wife's wishes, he ordered a bunch of things from their website. But before getting to the merchandise, Kimmel read a note he received in the package from the Trump sons.
“‘Thank you for being one of the first customers to shop our brand new online store'… maybe I was the only customer,” Kimmel joked.
One by one, Kimmel began pulling out each item from the box they were shipped in. First was a Trump golf hat, which he noted was made in China. Then came a Trump coffee mug, which was made in Thailand. After that was a Trump golf club cover that was made in China but ” decorated in the U.S.A.” After that were the Trump duffle bag, a Trump signature shoe bag, and a Trump blanket, which were all made in China. He also bought a toddler bib for his son “just like the one the president wears when he eats cheeseburgers in bed.” Kimmel added that the bib was made in Peru.
Kimmel then pulled out a page from U.S. Customs that notes, ‘Failure to properly report product origin can result in substantial penalties. Companies can face up to $500,000 in fines per violation or “double” the loss or gain from the violation related to these violations.'
Said Kimmel: “Wow, this could be very expensive. Not to mention this has got to be embarrassing… are they capable of shame? I mean, Trump's whole platform is about supporting American companies. His company isn't even supporting America!”
However, as we know, the Trumps have no shame, nor any respect for the law or the truth.