“I'm going to give you the option of taking a quick shower break after this first story,” Rachel Maddow led off her broadcast on Tuesday night. “We'll just pause and powder.”
Rachel Maddow dove right into last night's news that former Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen helped Liberty University evangelist Jerry Falwell get rid of racy personal photos shortly before Falwell was persuaded to endorse Trump for president.
Said Maddow: “What they're reporting is that that crucial and otherwise utterly inexplicable endorsement followed — basically immediately — Michael Cohen taking care of a ‘naked pictures problem' for the one who did the endorsing. And Michael Cohen said he retained one of the photographs. Ahem.”
Added Maddow: “Asking for a friend, is an endorsement intended to influence the outcome of a federal election a thing of value? And are you allowed to arrange for such a thing of value to be contributed to a campaign by quashing naked picture blackmail efforts for televangelists with the added insurance of keeping some of the naked pictures for yourself as a reminder? Is this normal? This is your presidency now. Behold. This is your life. This is our life. This is how we live now.”
“As promised,” she continued, “at this point, feel free to hit pause, take a quick shower, little eau de toilette, little freshen up, shake it off. ha ha. “