In my web-surfing recently I ran across this blog, which really does prove there’s a blog about everything. I too have Coulrophobia. It all started at Amling’s, this gardening outlet near my house as a child. It was one of those places that had a pumpkin patch every Halloween (I know this is a really random post for April, but bear with me) and a whole warehouse full of masks and costumes. Anyway, they had this enormous frightening clown made of wire and cloth that would inflate and deflate every sixty seconds with this gigantic air pump, and as a child, it scared the living shit out of me. The tears I shed…
Cut to: I’m 19 and I see my first drag queen at a gay bar — the masked face, the exaggerated features — and there’s that Amling’s clown again. I’m still scared of drag queens to this day. Sorry for the tangent, but he brought it all back.