New (and more fun) ways to reach the high-end demographic, the influencers leading the gay market and the media world.
Towleroad continues to have advertising space available with our friends at Blogads:Buy a Towleroad Super Premium Ad — GUARANTEED the top position. Buy a Towleroad Premium Ad —
upper strip. Branding & Response. All Pages
We offer banners (Leaderboard 728x90px), medium boxes (300×250) –perfect for video and clicks, and the classic skyscraper in a 160×600 classic. Get in touch for a first-timer discount and info on our other inventory.
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Tell me what you're working on and i'm likely to have some ideas. (and those are free)
Michael Goff
Chief Executive
Modurban Media's Gay Ad Club.
Modurban Media, our gay ad network; teams Towleroad with our friends at the best gay blogs and top sites to target the influential, city-living, men about town. Somewhat even to our surprise, to a great extent we're building the culture. And it couldn't be a more interesting time for that.
Recent studies showed us that our readers are to a large degree living in the big cities and doing some interesting things. We had only one ranch hand, but 72 writers (or about 5% of our sample). With others, we found a total of almost 40% of our readers working in Arts, Entertainment, Media, and Technology.
Towleroad's readers are media-savvy gay men and creative,
style-oriented individuals interested in reading about and discussing
international pop culture, current events, media, sports, and
entertainment in a visually-engaging and ahead-of-the-curve forum.