1. “Talk” (Junkie XL, Jacques Lu Cont Mixes) — Coldplay
My personal favorite is the Junkie XL mix, full of gorgeous texture, and a rewarding climactic lift.
2. “Alone, Jealous, and Stoned” — Secret Machines
There’s something hypnotic about this slow-mover. And doesn’t that opening sound like it’s about to kick into Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'”?
3. “In the Deep” — Bird York
Gorgeous and atmospheric, from the Crash soundtrack. Would love to see what William Orbit could do with this track.
4. “Alright” (Brad Carter Mix) — Red Carpet
This song’s been out there for a while now but the new mix by Brad Carter has put a whole lotta lift in it for me. Upbeat house with soulful vocals.
5. “Passion” — Nightmares on Wax
A mellow, downtempo, blissful track out as the first release from this group’s fifth album in fifteen years.
6. “Ride a White Horse” (Ewan Pearson’s Disco Odyssey Mix) — Goldfrapp
There’s something distinctly addictive about this fifteen minute journey through the sonic universe of Goldfrapp, even if it feels a bit disorganized at times.
7. “You Got Me” (Baby Daddy Mix) — VHS or Beta
High-spirited electro with a vocal doppleganger of Robert Smith from The Cure. The 80’s lover in me really came out for this one.
8. “Valley of the Dolls” — Mylo
Can’t recommend this entire album enough, but since I’ve been in a mellow mood today this track is the perfect pill for it.
9. “Walk Away” — Kelly Clarkson
This is the last single she’ll release from her huge album. It’s top-notch like all the rest.
10. “Good as Gold” — Tiga
Hot as hell electro DJ presents his debut album and it’s a scratchy, high energy upbeat production.
All previously recommended “In Heavy Rotation” tracks can be found here.