Jacob Robida, the 18-year-old New Bedford man who attacked three men at Puzzles Lounge and fled cross-country with a female companion, ultimately killing her and an Arkansas police officer, left a note at his home indicating he would do something violent. Authorities do not know whether he left the note before or after the attack at Puzzles Lounge. He apparently stopped at his home before fleeing.
Authorities are also trying to determine Robida’s relationship with the woman accompanying him, Jennifer Bailey of Charleston West Virginia, whom he shot in the head at point blank range.
Not that it matters. Two people are dead, three more are injured. All because of a hateful teen who had little respect for human life and a selfish intolerance of others.
Jacob Robida Dies in Missouri Hospital [tr]
Meet New Bedford’s Dr. Jekyll, Jacob Robida [tr]
Police Identify Suspect in New Bedford Attack [tr]
Sicko on the Loose in New Bedford Attack [tr]