Senator Joe Biden announces he'll run for President in '08.
A possible break in the Rashawn Brazell murder? Brazell was murdered and dismembered over a year ago and the investigation has been cold ever since.
When Spencer Tunick, who most recently shot in Caracas, amassed thousands of naked people for a project on the Millenium Bridge between Newcastle and Gateshead in Britain, they were apparently being filmed by someone other than Tunick. The police, in fact. And surveillance videos of the participants have begun popping up for sale in British pubs. Tunick participant: “They are abusing the camaraderie and innocence of the day. It was non-erotic, non-sexual … feeling a bit silly standing around in the cold at times, but baring all in the name of art. It makes you feel a bit uneasy.”
A shrine to the strippers of Sao Paulo.
Rackin' em up. Soulforce Equality Riders arrested again at Oral Roberts University. (Background)
A challenge to marriage laws in Connecticut: “A lawyer for eight gay couples argued in Superior Court Tuesday that Connecticut's marriage laws illegally create a separate class of people based on sexual orientation.” Civil unions were approved in Connecticut last year, so gays and lesbians do have the same rights as their hetero peers, but the definition of “marriage” was also amended to define it as between a man and a woman.
Fresh iPod video rumors: “New to the rumor is information that the new ‘widescreen video iPod' would come with Bluetooth headphones.”