About 1,000 of you checked in to the site in the moments after last night's announcement. Reaction? My boyfriend happened to catch me with his cameraphone at that moment. I think the photo pretty much speaks for itself.
Critic Tom Shales: “Film buffs and the politically minded will be arguing this morning about whether the Best Picture Oscar to ‘Crash' was really for the film's merit or just a cop-out by the Motion Picture Academy so it wouldn't have to give the prize to ‘Brokeback Mountain.”‘
Larry McMurtry: “Perhaps the truth really is, Americans don't want cowboys to be gay.”
L.A. Times critic Kenneth Turan: “Despite all the magazine covers it graced, despite all the red-state theaters it made good money in, despite (or maybe because of) all the jokes late-night talk show hosts made about it, you could not take the pulse of the industry without realizing that ‘Brokeback Mountain' made a number of people distinctly uncomfortable. So for people who were discomfited by ‘Brokeback Mountain' but wanted to be able to look themselves in the mirror and feel like they were good, productive liberals, ‘Crash' provided the perfect safe harbor.”
Ang Lee: “I'm so proud of the movie. Why they didn't go for it, I don't know. You're asking a question that I don't know the answer. … Congratulations to the `Crash' filmmakers.”
Kenneth Hill: A gay old time at the Oscars…
Brokeback Oscar clippings and related highlights…
There were so many montages during last night's Academy Awards show, we thought there might be an award being given for best montage. Here are a couple.
Oscar's Opening Montage and the Gay Cowboy Montage.
(via celebrity hijinx)