The Pet Shop Boys will use their upcoming album Fundamental as a political pulpit, criticizing Britain’s Labour Party and that government’s plan for national ID cards as well as the close relationship between George Bush and Tony Blair.
The track “I’m With Stupid” lampoons a “love affair” between the two leaders, as one of them questions what he’s doing in the relationship, according to London’s Evening Standard:
The lyrics of “I’m With Stupid” include: “Call you every day/ Fly across the ocean/ Just to let you get your way/ No one understands me/ Where I’m coming from/ Why would I be with someone/ Who’s obviously so dumb?”
The song also has homoerotic overtones: “I have to ask myself like any lover might/ Have you made a fool of me?/ Are you not Mr Right?…/ Is stupid really stupid or are you really smart?/ That’s how you stole my heart.”
The new album drops May 22nd.