Steven Pomie is due for sentencing today. In June of last year, he beat Dwan Prince unconscious on the streets of Brooklyn while shouting anti-gay slurs, leaving his victim in a coma. Pomie faces a possible 25 years. Let's hope he gets all of them.
Kylie Minogue is out and about in New York City, and she's not skimping on the nightlife. Last night, Towleroad spies spotted her at Maritime Hotel hotspot Hiro: “She was rocking out with friends at the post-Scissor Sisters party….seemed very cool and very approachable…..the boys were going crazy…”
Nine men who were imprisoned for a year in Cameroon under suspicion they were homosexuals have been released by a judge who says the government has offered no proof the men are gay. International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission coordinator: “While nothing can return to these men the year of their lives spent locked in a cell, we are hopeful that rule of law and respect for human dignity are re-emerging as basic principles of human rights in Cameroon. I'm told that the trial lasted less than ten minutes, with no witnesses being called by the prosecution. Judge Tonye, the magistrate overseeing the trial, stated that since there was no proof offered he declared the men innocent of all charges. After hearing the verdict, several of the men began to cry, knowing their ordeal was about to end.”
Aussie Olympian Ian Thorpe is “on the verge” of buying a million dollar property in Santa Monica, California. The swimmer apparently wants to use L.A. as his base in the lead-up to the 2008 Olympics. Thorpe's recent “mystery illness” was identified by doctors as glandular fever.
Jake Gyllenhaal cozies up to Zodiac co-star Mark Ruffalo.
South Bend, Indiana, home of Notre Dame, will soon debate over whether or not the city should ban discrimination based on sexual orientation.