Are guns the answer to gay bashing? A Philadelphia group called the Pink Pistols seems to think so. They hold monthly get togethers and then shoot together at a nearby range:
“…the Pink Pistols are among the most mundane-looking human beings you could ever possibly meet. There are no tight shirts, no Versace bags and no Indigo Girls T-shirts. You could walk past one of these gun-packing people in the grocery store and not even notice them.
‘We break down stereotypes when we can,’ says Patton, a freckled, heavyset 43-year-old woman clad in nondescript loose-fitting clothing. ‘People look at us, and it plays with their brains.’
None of these people would be welcome on the set of Will & Grace. At the same time, you’d never guess that any of them has a gun strapped under their arm, or resting in their pocket, or waiting under the seat of their car.”
Normal or not normal, imho having more guns in the world will do little to prevent hate crimes. Guns don’t change attitudes.