A lot of folks are talking about Russ Feingold‘s appearance Sunday on Meet the Press. I agree, the Democrats could learn a lot from the Wisconsin Senator about articulating their message:
“The worst thing we could possibly do is what Vice President Cheney and President Bush did, which was take us into an unnecessary war that had nothing to do with 9/11 on false pretenses. They have done the worst thing that's ever been done in this regard. The question is, do we just keep making the same mistake over and over again? Do we just stay in Iraq so that Cheney and Bush can say that, that they were right? That appears to be why we're there. That appears to be the only logical reason to stay in a situation that is draining our military, that is hurting our recruiting, that is allowing Osama bin Laden to have us exactly where he wants us.”
Finally, a Real Democrat [keith boykin]
Feingold Doesn't Support Lieberman — Hammers Bush/Cheney
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