AfterElton has posted an interview with Greg Couch, the Sun-Times journalist who called out Ozzie Guillen for making his “f*#ing fag” slur last week. Couch talks about the incident and explains how the White Sox “masterfully” turned the discussion away from Guillen's indiscretion and toward the object of Guillen's wrath, columnist Jay Mariotti:
“They effectively used the media to turn it into an issue about Mariotti, and the media and fans went along with it. On the website for the White Sox, the media relations guy briefly writes they don't condone this language, but then talks about Mariotti!
…For several days, Kenny Williams, the general manager, disappeared. But in the past couple of days he has finally stood up and said that Ozzie didn't understand how serious this issue is. He's the only one in the White Sox not trying not to change the subject. He's handling it right. He even brought up the idea that this could lead to the end of Ozzie [with the White Sox]. He said, ‘I hope I don't have to go down to his office one day and say we have to make a change.' He's the only one who has made this serious for Ozzie.”
This is Ozzie's second derogatory statement about gays in the past year. Three strikes and…
Columnist Calls Foul on the Media and Baseball's Handling of Gay Slur [afterelton]
Sox Manager Ozzie Guillen Caught in Anti-Gay Slur [tr]