* A noticeably heftier Lil Kim was released from federal prison yesterday after a ten-month stint in the big house. Some fans reportedly camped out all night to see her 6 a.m. springing. (Do you think Lil Kim was ever awake at 6 a.m. before lock-up?) Clad in an all-white cleavage festival of an outfit, she blew kisses to her fans and ducked into a waiting car. Mothers, lock up your sons, ’cause Lil Kim is back. If I was that now-deaf rapper girl who ticked Lil Kim off in the first place, I’d be joining the Witness Protection Program right about now.
* Jennifer Aniston was named the Number One All American Celebrity in an Independence Day Poll. Angelina Jolie came in at #8, and Brad Pitt came in at #10. A West Side Story-style Team Aniston vs. Team Jolie-Pitt gang fight is bound to break out any time now. Have at it, kids.
* Why did Kathy Griffin decide to finally divorce her husband? Apparently she didn’t like it that he was stealing her money.
* In the latest “Oh no she didn’t!” newsflash, Britney Spears has decided to do another season of her reality show Chaotic to prove that she and her husband, Kevin Federline, are doing fine. Evidentally renewing your reality TV contract is what you do after you cry to Matt Lauer about needing more privacy.
* And finally, because we know that you’re fabulously rich, just like us, we thought you might want to go hunting for a 45,000-square-foot home, just like the one Eddie Murphy has just outside Hollywood. That 11,000-square-foot house down the road? Such a pied-a-terre.