Robin Williams, currently starring as a gay man in the new film The Night Listener, has reportedly checked into rehab after 20 years of sobriety. “Robin found himself drinking again and has decided to take proactive measures to deal with this for his own well-being and the well-being of his family,” his publicist said. “He looks forward to returning to work this fall to support his upcoming film releases.”
California Assembly guts gay curriculum bill: The California Assembly has gutted a bill that would have required state textbooks to include the historical contributions of gay people, amending it to say only that school material should not be discriminatory toward gays. Lawmakers voted 56-2 on Monday to delete the provision at the request of the bill's author, out lesbian Sen. Sheila Kuehl,who had feared a gubernatorial veto. “I'm not really someone who wants to plop something down on his desk for him to veto,” said Kuehl, D-Santa Monica. “I want a signature.”
Big-name businesses hiring MBA graduates no longer seek only women and racial minorities to diversify the workplace. Openly recruiting gay MBAs for jobs is the new hot thing. “What the GLBT community has always done is think outside the box,” says one source.
Here we go again: Season six American Idol auditions hit Los Angeles this week. Thousands reportly suffer from bleeding ears as Idol-wannabes rehearse for their auditions. (Okay, so maybe not bleeding ears, but close enough, right?)
The summer's hottest snarling diva cat fight: Mariah vs. Madonna. “Hitting the road 16 months after the debut of her comeback LP, Mariah Carey has a tough ride ahead if she wants to show up rival diva Madonna. The Material Girl reportedly ‘laughed hysterically' when she heard rumors of Carey's tanking ticket sales. Meanwhile, [Madonna] is still miffed about the time when Carey told reporters that she grew up listening to Madonna. At the Live 8 concert in London, Madonna reportedly told a toady that she didn't want to be anywhere near Carey. The two even feuded over this year's opening spot on the Grammys, which Madonna won. Carey, however, led the nominations and took home the gold gramophones, proving that she's hardly down for the count.” Two words: bring it.