The TEA-ze Me indoor/outdoor Sunday tea at 22nd Street and 11th Ave. has become so popular that New York's Finest even paid a visit yesterday. But not a very friendly one. It seems the party had spilled just a bit too outdoors for their taste.
Towleroad correspondent Drew G. sent in these cameraphone shots of the ruckus, as more than a dozen NY cops descended upon partiers who had spilled out onto the sidewalks and randomly gave sixteen of them open container citations.
This did not sit well with the drunken revelers. Unhappy that their right to get blitzed on the sidewalk had been revoked, the partiers began chanting “Stonewall 2, Stonewall 2.”
Unfortunately, those pink slips mandate that the accused must see the judge. So even though the fine is only $25, they have to plead their case in court on October 16th before paying it. A pretty crappy penalty for a few sips on the sidewalk.
Despite the 60's throwback chants, drag queen Candis Cayne did not fight the power. She did, however, stop traffic as usual. No word on any citations for creating a bit of gaper's block.
Opus 22 Busted [continued]
NYPD Close Down Opus 22's Festivities [soloway]