Another one bites the dust. Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) pleaded guilty to conspiracy and making false statements in the Abramoff influence-peddling scandal: “He acknowledged taking money, gifts and favors in return for official actions on behalf of Abramoff and his clients.” Congressional leaders said they would expel Ney unless he steps down on his own.
David Beckham dropped as face of Police Sunglasses, replaced by Antonio Banderas: “Antonio was seen as more of an alpha male. The brand was more keen to have a personality which meant more to US audiences.”
Michael Jackson drags himself out in a bonnet and heels.
Chicago Gay Games souvenirs to be sold to public in effort to close $200,000 budget shortfall.
Ian Thorpe is back in Australia, and he's hungry, say coaches.
Bush appearance gives life to Dennis Hastert. Prez: “Before I liberate the speaker so he doesn't have to stand up here for that long, Speaker, I want to say this to you. I am proud to be standing with the current speaker of the House who is going to be the future speaker of the House.”
Hartford, Connecticut sees surge in gay population. City now ranks 10th in the nation: “Next door is a gay man, diagonally across the street is another gay male couple, down the block to the right is another lesbian couple. This is a very rich, diverse community.” It's up in Iowa too.
March against hate crimes takes place in Glens Falls, New York to honor the memory of Mathew Shepard.