In addition to having to suffer through ongoing homophobic jokes, a Vancouver firefighter claims he was passed over for promotion because he is gay: “I have been told by others in the fire department that the chief has said, `I would not want someone like that in an officer's position.”
Chimp: Banksy self-portrait expected to fetch £30,000 at auction.
Two men in San Francisco New Year's Eve attack on Yale singing group The Baker's Dozen plead not guilty to charges of assault and battery.
Justin Timberlake in the studio with Madonna: “The last album was a credible disco record and Madonna wants to give hip-hop the same treatment this time. It's not all hip-hop though, there are a lot of producers from a lot of genres in there. It could be her most ambitious project yet.”
Walt Disney's passport for sale on eBay.
Meth use among gay men spiking in Los Angeles: “Roughly one of every 10 men who have sex with men reported using meth within a six-month period, according to a 2005 study cited by the L.A. County Department of Public Health in a report this week. That frequency is about 20 times greater than in the general population.”
Our long national nightmare is (hopefully) over: Larry Birkhead is the father of Anna Nicole's child.
Tens of thousands protested the U.S. presence in Iraq on the war's fourth anniversary. The right wing tried to downplay its size by circulating a cropped photo.
Harry Reid talks tough on Bush White House invitation, attitude toward Congress: “The president is inviting us down to the White House with preconditions. Things are not OK in Iraq. As the Pope said on Easter Sunday, a slaughter is taking place in Iraq. The Pope further said nothing good is coming from Iraq. The president must realize that. He has to deal with Congress. We are an independent branch of this government, and by our Constitution we have equal say that he has. And he's got to listen to us. Because we are speaking for the American people; he isn't.”