New Yorkers, there is a peaceful demonstration outside the Manhattan Mormon Temple tomorrow evening at 6:30. This weekend, groups nationwide are protesting in an action called JOIN THE IMPACT. Look HERE for your city. Here's a list of upcoming California protests this week.
In addition to the 44 state legislators I posted about this morning, more groups have asked the California Supreme Court to overturn Proposition 8: “In letters to the court, the Anti-Defamation League and other groups sided with lawsuits that said Proposition 8, which reinstated a ban on same-sex marriage, amounted to a sweeping revision of the state Constitution instead of a more limited amendment…Another letter from the Bar Association of San Francisco and other groups also urged the court to strike down the measure. ‘Because Proposition 8 would shatter existing principles of equal protection and fundamental rights, as well as the judicial branch's role as final arbiter of these constitutional guarantees, it constitutes a revision of the Constitution,' wrote the bar, joined by the Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Impact Fund.”
A home in SF's Noe Valley. This is loud, but is it helpful?
Nate Silver at has quite a good post that debunks a lot of the racial finger-pointing that is going on: “At the end of the day, Prop 8's passage was more a generational matter than a racial one. If nobody over the age of 65 had voted, Prop 8 would have failed by a point or two. It appears that the generational splits may be larger within minority communities than among whites, although the data on this is sketchy. The good news for supporters of marriage equity is that — and there's no polite way to put this — the older voters aren't going to be around for all that much longer, and they'll gradually be cycled out and replaced by younger voters who grew up in a more tolerant era.”
Posted this earlier, but it's worth repeating here. Michelangelo Signorile talks to a Mormon from Texas who donated to ‘Yes on 8'. Definitely worth a listen.
Reverend Irene Monroe in the Huffington Post: “The present-day contentious debate between black and queer communities concerning what constitutes a legitimate civil rights issue and which group owns the right to use the term is both fueled and ignored by systemic efforts by our government that deliberately pits both groups against each other rather than upholding the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution that affords each of these marginal groups their inalienable rights. While it is true that the white LGBTQ community needs to work on its racism, white privilege, and single-issue platform that thwart all efforts for coalition building with both straight and queer communities of color, the African-American community needs to work on its homophobia.”
L.A. Times: Prop 8 wars rage on Facebook.
This morning I posted about the boycott of the California Musical Theatre by composer Marc Shaiman because of its artistic director's donation to Prop 8. A similar thing is happening in L.A. after it was revealed that the family manager of the popular El Coyote mexican restaurant had donated $100 to ‘Yes on 8'. Word spread quickly over the internet and the manager Marjorie Chrisoffersen came forward and issued this statement: “I have been sick at heart that anyone has been offended by me. I have family, friends, employees from the gay community who are treasured people in my life. I have been a member of the Mormon church all my life. I responded to their request with my personal donation. For years the El Coyote has financially and generously supported the gay community and its charities. Please be my guest for an early lunch Wed., Nov. 12th, @ 11:00 am and allow me to personally speak with you. Please call and make a reservation as seating is limited. (323) 939-2255. Margie.”
TIME weighs in on activist tactics following the passage of Prop 8.
Aaron Ruell from Napoleon Dynamite ain't so dynamite.
Here are today's earlier Prop 8 posts:
Eyes Turn to California Supreme Court in Proposition 8 Battle [tr]
Hollywood's Gay ‘Powerati' Pissed Over Prop 8 [tr]
Musical Theatre Under Fire for Artistic Director's Prop 8 Support [tr]
Equality Utah Calls Bluff of Mormon Church on Gay Rights [tr]
Protect Marriage, Prohibit Divorce [tr]
And last night's big update: Massive Proposition 8 Update: Protests, News, and Video [tr]
And AFTER THE JUMP, a VERY unfortunate incident that happened in Palm Springs at a rally where a cross was torn from a woman's arms and stomped on the ground. This kind of behavior is deplorable imho and not the way to win hearts and minds. It's also an example of how things can get out-of-control at a demonstration — those of you who are going to protest, keep it in mind.