British artist Adam Neate is giving away 1,000 works for free this Friday, hiding them in places across London starting at sunrise:
“Art worth an estimated £1m is being given away by one of the world's leading street artists, Adam Neate, in an exhibition that will see 1,000 pieces deposited across the capital and left for whoever wishes to take them. In recent years Neate's work has graced the fashionable Elms Lesters Painting Rooms in London, yet his roots lie in creating paintings and sculptures designed for urban locations. And this Friday's Street Art Action marks a return to that way of working – only now his pieces fetch up to £43,000 each. The action will begin before dawn, when helpers will begin distributing the hand-painted pieces on the outskirts of the city, moving inwards towards the city centre as the day goes on. While some will be left at famous landmarks around the capital many pieces will be placed in less salubrious areas of the city – both Lambeth and Hackney will be decorated. It comes at a time when the industry – which was booming until relatively recently – seems on the verge of grinding to a halt.”