Last week I posted about First Baptist Church in Dallas which was to be the target of protest for a marquee advertising a sermon titled “Gay is Not Ok”. About 100 people showed up to march outside the church on Sunday:
“Singing ‘Jesus Loves Me,' about 100 people stood outside the First Baptist Church of Dallas in protest to the sermon, which was part of a series called ‘Politically Incorrect.' Pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress told First Baptist members to not believe the hate-speech hype and called the protest a plan to silence any criticism of homosexuality. ‘In Romans I, it says because they rejected the true God and exchanged the truth of God for a lie, God gave them over to degrading passions – men with men and women with women,' he said. ‘And so, the Bible says when the people reject the truth of God's word, they're open to any kind of immorality.' But Michael Robinson, the founder of Unified Community Against Gay Hate Crimes, said sermons like Jeffress' can lead to very serious hate crimes. ‘What they are preaching from the pulpit is hate and that breeds these type of people to come out and do these type of crimes,' he said.”
Watch the news clip from WFAA.