Talk of the possibility of a voter recall of Supreme Court Justices (similar to the recall effort that ousted Governor Gray Davis in 2003) by opponents of marriage equality should the Court overturn Prop 8 has been reported:
“With all eyes now on the court as it considers whether to hear a number of petitions asking it to invalidate the proposition, Andrew Pugno, an attorney with Prop. 8 told the Los Angeles Times that the court could face the very real possibility of a recall should the justices vote to overturn the measure. Officially, however, Pugno said the campaign is discouraging supporters from making such threats until the high court renders a decision. ‘We think the discussion of a recall at this point is premature and not helpful to the current situation,' Pugno told the newspaper in this story. ‘The court should have a chance to do the right thing,' Pugno said. But should it go against the measure, ‘no one would be able to stop' a recall, he added.”
Today, Equality California Executive Director Geoff Kors reissued a statement condemning the threats. Said Kors: “It is unconscionable that the supporters of Proposition 8 would threaten to recall California's Supreme Court justices who are simply doing their job in making sure all Californians are treated fairly and equally under the laws of our state. Once again, the proponents of Prop 8 are resorting to scare tactics in their attempts to eliminate the rights of same-sex couples in California. We are confident the justices will not be swayed by such blatant intimidation.”