Man in sailor suit gay bashed in Seattle's Central District.
Annie Leibovitz pawns her life work to save finances: "Last fall, Annie Leibovitz,
the photographer, borrowed $5 million from a company called Art Capital
Group. In December, she borrowed $10.5 million more from the same firm.
As collateral, among other items, she used town houses she owns in
Greenwich Village, a country house, and something else: the rights to
all of her photographs."
USA Today on Mike Penner/Christine Daniels' transgender regret: "It's unfortunate and it's relatively uncommon but certainly not unheard
of. The simplest way to think about it is being trans is
something that never goes away. … There's just a fairly constant
social pressure to just go back. You don't have to be a genius to
understand that society doesn't really accept this."
Empathy fat: Model/trainer hottie eats for his clients.
Colorado same-sex partner benefits bill clears Senate 22-12 despite hideous comments from homophobe state senator Scott Renfroe.
Obama's changing health care plan: "The budget — and I was cautioned that the wording 'is changing hourly'
— will direct Congress to "aim for universality." That is a bolder
goal than simple affordability, which can be achieved, at least in
theory, through subsidies. Universality means everyone has coverage,
not just the ability to access it. And that requires a mechanism to
ensure that they seek it.
Protestors continue to harass Portland Mayor Sam Adams.
Inequality defied in New York.
San Francisco Chronicle in danger of closing: "If it can't reduce expenses dramatically within the next few weeks,
the Hearst Corp. said it will close or sell the Chronicle, northern
California's largest newspaper with a paid weekday circulation of
339,430. Hearst didn't specify a savings target nor a deadline
for wringing out the expenses. A Hearst spokesman didn't immediately
respond to messages Tuesday. But management made it clear that the cost-cutting will require a significant number of layoffs."
Hedi Slimane tackles Courtney Love.
Bull shark hooked, freed in Sydney Harbor.
GOP poll on domestic partnerships in New Mexico misstates facts: "The poll, commissioned by the state GOP, found that more New
Mexicans were in favor of domestic partnerships (47 percent) than
opposed (42 percent). But that support fell when individuals were asked
a question that erroneously equated domestic partnerships with same-sex
marriage, with 52 percent opposing domestic partnerships compared to 42
percent supporting it. That latter poll question specifically misstated how same-sex
marriage became state law in two other states, judging from a handout
given to reporters."
Phoenix is offering their latest single "1901" as a free download on their website.
Ciara – Justin Timberlake "Love Sex Magic" track leaks.
Haus of GaGa: Lady GaGa launches iPhone app.
Hugo Chavez record on gay rights lauded by gay leader despite minimal advances in 10 years: "On Feb. 12, Heisler Vaamonde, a long-time LGBT-rights activist known for his allegiance to the Chávez regime, read a prepared statement in front of reporters expressing the Bloc's strong support for the referendum as he argued that equality for gays and lesbians could only be achieved through the Chavista revolution. As he spoke, he was flanked by ten other members of the organization, who wore t-shirts with an image of Chávez and caps emblazoned with a red star."
Kathy Griffin scores $2 million memoir deal.
Largest Presbyterian church in Arkansas elects gay deacon: "The largest Presbyterian Church in the state has elected a gay deacon. This
comes just a day after the Presbytery of Arkansas votes to allow gays
and lesbians to be ordained ministers, elders, and deacons. The
Presbyterian denomination nationally, changed the interpretation of the
constitution last June."
Australian Christian group says gays using children as "trophies": "The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) told the Standing Committee of Law
and Justice's inquiry into adoption by same sex couples that children
should ideally be raised by a mother and father…The move to legalise adoption by same-sex couples was ideologically driven by gay activists, Mr Shelton said. 'Not content with having discrimination removed, (they) are now
pursuing symbolic gains and holding up children as trophies for their
own agenda,' he said."