According to Asian News International news service he is:
"Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has managed to turn heads once again on his recent shopping spree. Ronaldo, 24, who apparently looked gay, wore a tight leather jacket
and Army boots with laces undone, a figure-hugging polo neck tucked
into skinny jeans, and a diamond-encrusted belt, which had the initials
CR initialled on it. The Manchester United ace, who was carrying a bunch of roses from a
fan, spent up to 10,000 pounds on suits and casual wear at upmarket
store Flannels in Manchester. He came out with four bags full of goodies before heading back to his car with a pal. Virtually any other man would look utterly ridiculous if they wore what he wears, the Sun quoted an onlooker as saying.
But Ronaldo himself somehow seems to pull it off. Whatever he wears, he carries it off in style, the onlooker added."
Kanye West would approve.