Australian government rejects civil unions:"The Government's response equated the proposal with same-sexmarriage equality, saying the no gay unions policy 'reflects the widelyheld view in the community that marriage is between a man and a woman'.But the Government confirmed it still intends to recognise andsupport same-sex families through its community and social inclusionstrategies, and convince NSW, QLD, SA, WA and NT to implementrelationship registers."
Said Australian Marriage Equality advocates spokesman Peter Furness: "Opinion polls consistently show thata majority of Australians support same-sex marriage, making a nonsenseof the Government's stated belief that its policy 'reflects a widelyheld view in the community'. The Rudd government has shown that its vision for the future is blinkered by prejudices from the past."
Rudd is questioned about same-sex marriage on ABC's Q&A program nearly a year ago, AFTER THE JUMP…