Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church recently left a blog post that has some wondering if the extremist group is planning a mass suicide (a la Jonestown). A little excerpt from the post (link goes to WBC blog) written in their typical hag-alect:
"We are particularly urgent about it, because the time is shortly to
come when we will grant you your wicked wish, Doomed america! Your
smart-assed pundits and foul-mouthed politicians have for years told us
to pack up and leave if we don't like this filthy little cancerous boil
on the butt of the earth. You all think you're so clever that you can
come up with such cutesy little quips. You're collectively so Bible
dumb that you don't know what you're saying. So let me help you out.
at the examples in scriptures when a nation – or world – of Godless
rebels cry out at God's patient Saints to get the hell out! Noah got
on the ark and God shut the door – then the entire population of the
world was wiped out. YAY!
"Lot tried to get his sons-in-law to
listen and leave Sodom with him – but they liked their country and told
him he was crazy. He left. They were toast! YAY!
"Before God
wholly wiped out the greatest army in history, he had to get his people
to “come out with great substance”. (Genesis 15:14) YAY!
We gotta go, peeps! We gotta go! And when we do, it's time for this
filthy nation to receive of all the plagues that your Creator has
promised. The reason there is such urgency in those words … such
passion in the irresistible call from our Saviour, Husband, and Friend
… is because when that time comes for this rebellious nation – which is
spiritually called Babylon and has become literally Babylon by the
inexplicable and forcible snatching of that Mesopotamian land where
ancient Babylon sat – it is going to be very fast and very violent,
such that all mankind is utterly and simply amazed.
"So when you see us drop in, tell you about why God has begun your march
to destruction, and then get out – it's because the time is short. We
have a job to do, and very little time to do it…When we're done, we will
leave your filthy land and be placed safely out of the reach of the
horror that will then land upon you swiftly and certainly – in one hour."
(gossip boy via