Washington Governor Christine Gregoire would like to see a marriage equality bill on her desk. SIGNS "everything but marriage" law.
John Mayer in lipstick assault.
The Pool: Inside a White House photo-op.
AFP on the secret life of gays in Ethiopia: "Under its penal code, the very act itself can bring three years
behind bars. And if the offender 'makes a profession of such
activities' the penalty rises to up to five years. The law also seeks a maximum sentence of up to ten years if any kind of coercion is involved. Yet,
there are calls for more stringent rules against the homosexual
community whose exact size is impossible to determine due to fears of
Colorado conservatives see "chipping away of legal barriers" to civil unions.
Hollywood Reporter: Taking Woodstock a "solid but minor" Ang Lee film.
Political masterstroke? Obama nominates Utah Governor Jon Huntsman as ambassador to China.
Katy Perry's Adam Lambert cape censored on iTunes.
Obama names lesbian Jenny Durkan for U.S. attorney: "Obama himself said that all six of his nominees for U.S. Attorney 'have
distinguished themselves as fair, tenacious and respected attorneys
throughout their careers in both public and private service.' And Gov.
Gregoire had this to say: 'I am so pleased the Obama administration
also recognizes Jenny's leadership and experience, and nominated her
for this important position. I hope the Senate will act quickly on the
nomination to confirm her.'"
A commentary on the NASA TV live feed of the Hubble repair: "One of the striking things, watching the astronauts work, is how slowly
everything goes. They move slowly, slowly, slowly, like fish in
glycerin. They can barely bend their hands to grasp tools because of
all the pressure keeping them alive inside their suits."
Former Survivor winner Ethan Zohn battling cancer: "On April 30, Zohn was diagnosed with stage two Hodgkin's disease. The
diagnosis came after months of unexplained itching and night sweats,
originally thought to be a skin condition."
Madonna denies that she's planning to hold Kabbalah ccommitment ceremony with Brazilian boytoy Jesus Luz.
Chris Pine demonstrates the wonders of gold-digging for the paparazzi.
First record to be released on Justin Timberlake's record label TenMan gets some vocal help from Timberlake himself.
Male model fix: Todd Sanfield.
Conyers on Obama: "Why is he becoming so conservative now that he's got the job?"
New strategy against AIDS involves insertion of a gene that produces protective antibodies: "The new method worked in mice and now has proved successful in
monkeys, too, they reported Sunday in the online edition of the journal
Nature Medicine…That doesn't mean an AIDS vaccine for people is in the wings,
Johnson said. Years of work may lie ahead before a product is ready for
human use."
Iowa attorney: risks paid off in marriage case. "Was the case winnable? Would it pose a security risk to the firm?
Would other clients disapprove and take their business elsewhere?The
firm's senior lawyers discussed the concerns, Johnson said, but quickly
gave him the go-ahead. Over the next several years, Johnson estimates
his firm poured roughly $500,000 into research, travel, and other
expenses for the case."