White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked by ABC's Jake Tapper in yesterday's press briefing about Bill Clinton's recent statement showing support for same-sex marriage, whether Obama heard and has a reaction to the comments, and why Bill Clinton would be wrong about the issue.
Reiterating that Obama supports civil unions, Gibbs responded: "I'mnot going to criticize anybody's opinion, least of all a formerPresident of the United States, on something like this. I am not clearwhether the President has seen that. I don't know where that was from,so I don't know if the President has seen it…I think thePresident has answered this question a number of times. I can't form abasis for why former President Clinton — I've obviously not had aconversation with him on this issue, so I don't know what — it's hardfor me to compare some of this because I don't have the basis by whichhe's making that decision."
Q: Just your reaction to some comments that Democrats have made bothon the Hill about the health care bill, and also former President BillClinton recently said that he's basically in support of same-sexmarriage. "I think it's wrong," he said, "for someone to stop someoneelse from getting involved in same-sex marriage." Has President Obamaheard these comments? Does he have a reaction? And why is Bill Clintonwrong about this issue?
MR. GIBBS: Well, I'm not going to get into anybody's opinion — I'mnot going to criticize anybody's opinion, least of all a formerPresident of the United States, on something like this. I am not clearwhether the President has seen that. I don't know where that was from,so I don't know if the President has seen it.
Q But President Obama holds a different opinion?
MR. GIBBS: President Obama holds the same opinion he has earlier today.
Q Which is that same-sex marriage is wrong.
MR. GIBBS: He does not support it. He supports civil unions.
Q Why does he feel differently than President Bill Clinton?
MR. GIBBS: Because they don't agree on the issue. (Laughter.) I've not obviously spent a lot of —
Q That's not really an explanation of why he feels differently. That's another word for it.
MR. GIBBS: Well, I mean, I'm happy to — I mean, I think thePresident has answered this question a number of times. I can't form abasis for why former President Clinton — I've obviously not had aconversation with him on this issue, so I don't know what — it's hardfor me to compare some of this because I don't have the basis by whichhe's making that decision.