30 short LGBT films nominated for £25,000 Iris Prize.
Giant meat-eating plant discovered: "The plant is among the largest of all carnivorous plant species and
produces spectacular traps as large as other species which catch not
only insects, but also rodents as large as rats."
LaToya Jackson may be on primetime this fall.
Gays in Utah lose an ally as Utah Governor Jon Huntsman resigns to become Ambassador to China.
TAPES: Richard Nixon thought Leonard Bernstein's man-on-man kisses with Alvin Ailey were "absolutely sickening."
Twisted UK Roman Catholic priest David "devil in the dog collar" Pearce faces jail for sexual assault on schoolboys for 36 years.
Washington anti-gay marriage foes want donor names kept secret: "Sponsors of a campaign to overturn Washington state's domestic
partnership law have asked the state's Public Disclosure Commission to
keep the names of their donors secret because they say the supporters
have received threats."
First listen: Ryan Gosling's band Dead Man's Bones track "My Body's a Zombie for You".
Just to clear everything up: Jaime Pressley did not pee on the sidewalk outside the Abbey in West Hollywood.
Teabagger tears up Rosa Parks poster at Claire McCaskill town hall.
Well-known homophobe and right-wing windbag Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council has already penned a piece for Wingnut Daily criticizing Obama's award of the medal to Milk, calling it "the first time in history that the nation's highest civilian award has
been granted primarily on the basis of someone's sex life."
Tom Cruise's son Connor likely to take role in remake of Red Dawn.
Beckham stretches his legs.
The Amateur Gourmet and his boyfriend eat at El Bulli, the world's #1 restaurant.
Advertiser boycott of Glenn Beck pushed.
Woman attempts to scald the Mona Lisa with cup of English breakfast tea: "Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece was completely unscathed, as the
ceramic mug smashed on bullet-proof glass surrounding the painting. Paris police said the woman was taken to a psychiatric ward afterwards. 'It
looks like it was done by someone who was unhinged and wanted to draw
attention to herself,' a Louvre spokesman was quoted as saying by the
AFP news agency."
Bradley Cooper beams at Hangover premiere in Barcelona without Renee Zellweger. Ted Casablanca on the new relationship: "We seriously think his publicist has more to do with these A-list
couplings than his heart. He knows he's unavailable—in more ways than
one, trust—but he's trying to convince these women otherwise."
Pee Wee Herman returning to the stage. Reubens: “It's time. My Pee-wee suit and red bow tie are at the
ready – and this is proof that white shoes are cool past Labor Day.”
Minnesota Senator Paul Koering doesn't find enough support to run for governor: "But Koering, a gay legislator, also believes the fact he's gay is
something Republican Party delegates find hard to accept. 'I didn't
really want to say that,' he said. 'That's a hurdle some delegates
can't get over,' said Koering. They're just closed to him, he explained."