Doug Manchester, owner of the San Diego Grand Hyatt, defender of "traditional marriage", and Proposition 8 supporter, is in the middle of a contentious divorce with his wife of 43 years:
"On July 25, Doug ran out of patience. He sent an 'angry e-mail' to
Elizabeth that said he 'wish[es] to pursue all rights to protect all of
[his] separate property and wish[es] also to litigate vigorously any
and all spousal support.' (Brackets quoted from the petition). That
day, Doug wired $100,000 out of the ac-count the couple shared, leaving
a $17,000 balance. Elizabeth argues in her petition that the account
balance will be negative when outstanding checks come due. She also
learned that day that Doug had spent the previous six months taking
$9.3 million out of their joint bank accounts and putting it into his
separate account. Elizabeth writes that she believes all of
these tactics—the mail, the financial restrictions, submitting bills to
Doug's office—are attempts to 'squeeze' her. 'Respondent was
attempting to compel me to settle on his terms by impeding my access to
funds for living expenses,' she writes in her petition."
San Diego Activists Target Manchester Grand Hyatt's Anti-Gay Owner [tr]