The attempt to block Washington state's Referendum 71 from the ballot Washington Families Standing Together has been denied by a judge:
"A King County Superior Court judge said Wednesday she had serious
concerns that thousands of invalid signatures may have been accepted
for Referendum 71, but rejected an attempt to block a public vote on
expanded same-sex domestic partnership benefits in Washington state. Judge Julie Spector issued her ruling just as Secretary of State Sam
Reed certified the measure for the November ballot in Olympia. Spector said challenges to a referendum must be filed in Thurston
County Superior Court after certification – and supporters of the 'everything but marriage' law still had that option for trying to get
R-71 off the ballot. The group that brought the original lawsuit –
Washington Families Standing Together – said it would go to court in
Thurston County to try to block R-71."
Gay Rights in Danger as R-71 Makes Ballot in Washington State [tr]