The Ohio legislature yesterday moved one step closer to bringing fairness to the workplace for LGBT Ohioans, passing a measure meant to offer protection from discrimination in housing and employment, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports:
"By a vote of 56-39, the anti-discrimination measure passed
the House with five Republicans, including Rep. Matthew
Dolan of Russell Township, joining all 51 majority Democrats
present in the House chamber in approving the measure. It
now moves to the Senate, where Senate President Bill Harris,
an Ashland Republican, has told reporters the measure is not
needed. Lawmakers may have been split over the issue, but the
crowded public gallery above the House floor was united in
support of the legislation. Audience members gave lawmakers
a standing ovation as House Speaker Armond Budish gaveled
the crowd back to order. It was the first time Ohio
lawmakers have voted to extend civil rights protections to
people on the basis of sexual orientation."