DC Agenda's Tyrone Ford posts a new interview with Kathy Griffin in which she clears up confusion about her CNN New Years' gig ("CNN absolutely did not ban me and did not fire me.) and says Anderson Cooper is not upset with her over the F-bomb. She also says she won't discuss her co-host's sexual orientation:
"First off, I just think Anderson Cooper is
the hottest thing. It doesn't matter who he is standing next to. What's
funny is I got a lot of ink about the F-bomb and yet my favorite joke
of the night was when I asked Anderson if, because he was so handsome,
does he ever stand in front of a mirror naked pleasuring himself. CNN
had no problem with that, which I thought may have been too far, but
you know. Anderson has this great line where he says, 'I don't want to
be the news, I want to report the news.' And so that's why, even though
I'm the biggest mouth in the world, I actually don't talk about his
personal life, because you have to keep in mind he goes into third
world countries where it's a very different culture, so, you know."