So, apparently the gayest thing in London right now is this exhibit called ABBAWORLD which the AP describes as a "museum-cum-theme park":
"The exhibition tells the band's story in 25 rooms spread over 30,000 square feet (2,800 sq. meters). Glass cases contain spangly costumes in silk, satin and spandex. Visitors can see recreations of Polar Studios, where the band recorded, and the seaside cabin near Stockholm where Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson composed the band's hits. One corner holds the helicopter pictured on the cover of the 1976 album 'Arrival.' An ambitious interactive element lets visitors take quizzes, recreate the band's sound at a mixing desk, or dance and sing alongside an animated ABBA via 'holographic video' technology. The gift shop features Abba T-shirts, teddy bears, jigsaw puzzles and figurines — along with CDs."
Anyway, Boy George attended the opening party of this Abba theme park last night and tweeted a video showing Philip Sallon (the promoter responsible for giving George his first DJ gig, before he was in Culture Club) dancing with the Abba holograms.
You can hear George in the background yelling that the song is not "Dancing Queen" but "Ageing Queen."